Digital-Online Advertising

Digital-online advertising can consist of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), display ads or re-messaging ads. Chatterbox has all the expertise and successful campaigns in place that demonstrate solid returns and meet objectives.  Recent digital campaigns consisting of re-messaging ads have been performing extremely well and in most cases outperforming SEO. Your website must first have ample traffic to launch this type of digital campaign. Re-messaging ads follow a visitor once they have already been on your website. A cookie is placed on their IP address in order for a display ad to serve up to them once they leave your site. As this visitor moves about the web, looking at other interests, most any site they go to has the capabilities of delivery your display ad.

This type of marketing is highly effective at gaining conversions because that visitor already expressed an interest in your business by visiting your site previously. It is also a way to gain competitive edge. As that potential customer searches other sites or your competitors, they are then reminded of your business while in search mode. The ads are delivered to them within roughly 24 hours of their visit on your website. Then they continue to delivery for several days when timing is crucial to the sale. This type of delivery generally reduces cost per click (CPC) over other standard methods.

Graphic design plays an integral part to the success as well. We generally test different versions of an ad to determine which one is more effective. Then we can ramp up efforts with a proven ad design. All online marketing can be targeted to reach only your specific audience from geographical location to age, gender, behaviors and more.  These digital campaigns have measurable results you can see in real-time.  We have proven results and our capabilities to manage an online campaign and deliver display ads are endless.  Don’t pay the high prices newspapers and radio stations quote. We can deliver ads on their sites for much less and in most cases, that placement isn’t the best option to start with.

Please contact us to review an online campaign.


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